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Our Why

60% of indigenous young people aged 17-24
are not in education or employment

ONLY 59%

of Indigenous Australians have completed year 12 compared to 88 per cent of non-Indigenous Australians.



Young people are almost 5X more likely to be unemployed, with more than 25% of long-term unemployed aged 15-24 years.


students in the bottom socio-economic quartile are, on average, almost three years behind those in the top quartile.



Indigenous young people are almost five times more likely to have no engagement in study or work than their non-Indigenous peers.


gap in school retention rates to the end of year 12 for young people from low socio-economic groups.



of Indigenous young people aged 17-24 are not in education or employment.



hear from some of our incredible young people

All our programs are based on evidence based research

The ‘Skills for Social Progress: The Power of Social and Emotional Skills’ research report (2015) based on global longitudinal studies (across 9 OECD countries) confirms that social emotional skills can help individuals improve their education, labour market, and social outcomes. 

Sources include:
  • Youth in the Workforce, Diversity Australia, 2016.

  • The CALD Youth Census Report 2014, Centre for Multicultural Youth.

  • Skattebol, J., Hill, T., Griffiths, A., & Wong, M. (2015) Unpacking Youth Unemployment (SPRC Report 15/2015). Sydney: Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Australia.

  • RCOA (2010) What Works: Employment strategies for refugee and humanitarian entrants.

  • Centre for Multicultural Youth (2014) Making it work: Refugee Young People and Employment.

  • Chris Stone, ‘Skills to Pay the Bills: Education, Employment and Youth Homelessness’ (Foundation Paper, Foundations, April 2017).

  • Robertson and Lamb, 2012, as quoted in Child family Community Australia Paper No.16 2013 ‘Family factors in early school leaving’.

  • OECD PISA 2009 Data Challenges for Australian Education.

  • Long, M., North, S. and Burke, G. (2009). How young indigenous people are faring: Key indicators 1996-2006. Dusseldorp Skills Forum.

  • SCRGSP 2014, Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage: Key indicators 2014, Productivity Commission, Canberra.

  • Australian Bureau of Statistics: Census of Population and Housing: Characteristics of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, 2011: Labour Force: Key Findings.​

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