Bounce Clubs
We aim to move young people toward a more positive future through the development of sports, health, education and employment focussed social programs.
All programs are designed to increase social, emotional and resiliency skills for participants using principles, skills and training learned on the basketball court.
Building resiliency and positive job futures for at-risk youth.

Community Basketball Clubs
Bounce Clubs are free open-access basketball coaching program for high school students, delivered every week in various communities to deliver social impact outcomes.
The sessions emphasise leadership, communication and resiliency skills, preparing players for not only the game of basketball but also the game of life.
Elite Training
The Elite Club Programs work with our best players to give them coaching, life skills and opportunities of a lifetime such as sponsored trips to the US.

Youth Coaches
The programs aim to empower young people with the knowledge and skills to become future leaders and role models through our ‘sponsored’ employment and external positions, providing inspiration and support to achieve their dreams.
Coach the Coaches
The Coaches Initiative delivers customised training in program facilitation and project management for youth coaches to deliver Bounce Clubs in their own community, supported by qualified coaching, youth workers and athlete mentors.

Empowering Young Women
With nearly 40% of all program participants being young women, we aim to provide opportunities for engagement with all program activities. Our focus is to ensure we provide access for young women to achieve positive outcomes through a number of initiatives.
Bounce Courts
The Bounce Courts projects build low-cost innovative basketball court systems in Indigenous communities and metro locations to upgrade facilities for the communities.

U18 Elite Womens Team
In 2023 we launched an Elite U18 Womens Team, recruiting talented young women across Australia and providing the opportunity to play in the USA at the end of Program - a once in a lifetime opportunity.
Our programs provide free open access basketball resiliency program for young people aged 12-19 years delivered every week in Nairobi, Kenya to deliver social impact outcomes.